BSD-3-Clause licensed
Maintained by Phil de Joux
This version can be pinned in stack with:hpack-dhall-0.5.2@sha256:665e3bf4a7633d5fe041aaa9931fe6c8d46be6001b8b59204a522179acaa84e8,8879

Module documentation for 0.5.2


Build Status hackage release Dependencies of latest version on Hackage

Haskell package descriptions in Dhall.

This package named hpack-dhall as described in package.dhall.

{ name =
, library =
    { exposed-modules = "Hpack.Dhall" }
, executables =
    { dhall-hpack-cabal = ...
    , dhall-hpack-json = ...
    , dhall-hpack-yaml = ...
    , dhall-hpack-dhall = ...

This .cabal creating executable can be run over its own package description;

> stack install --stack-yaml=stack-8.4.4.yaml
Copied executables to /.../hpack-dhall/__bin:
- dhall-hpack-cabal
- dhall-hpack-dhall
- dhall-hpack-json
- dhall-hpack-yaml

> __bin/dhall-hpack-cabal package.dhall
hpack-dhall.cabal is up-to-date

> __bin/dhall-hpack-cabal --force package.dhall
generated hpack-dhall.cabal

Using one of the golden tests for example, there are executables to show the dhall with the imports made as well as json and yaml equivalents;

> __bin/dhall-hpack-dhall test/golden/hpack-dhall-cabal/empty-package.dhall
{ name = "empty-package" }

> __bin/dhall-hpack-json test/golden/hpack-dhall-cabal/empty-package.dhall
    "name": "empty-package"

> __bin/dhall-hpack-yaml test/golden/hpack-dhall-cabal/empty-package.dhall
name: empty-package

By going from hpack package fields to cabal package properties, we are not required to state what can be inferred or defaulted, easing the burden of completing a package description by hand. For example other-modules can be inferred by taking the set difference between modules on disk and the set of exposed-modules.

By using an hpack-like Dhall dialect here rather than the YAML of hpack we’re able to;

  • Add types to the fields.
  • Safely import from other *.dhall files.
  • Use functions.

Imports and Functions

With this safer and more capable alternative input format for hpack, we’re able to simply describe the package and by using imports and functions we can do more such as configuring linting;

> cat default-extensions.dhall
{ default-extensions =
    [ "DataKinds"
    , "DeriveFunctor"
    , "TupleSections"
    , "UndecidableInstances"

> cat hlint.dhall
    let Prelude/List/map =

in  let defs = ./default-extensions.dhall

in  let f = λ(s : Text) → "-X" ++ s

in  { arguments = Prelude/List/map Text Text f defs.default-extensions }

> dhall-to-yaml < ./hlint.dhall > ./.hlint.yaml

> cat .hlint.yaml
- -XDataKinds
- -XDeriveFunctor
- -XTupleSections
- -XUndecidableInstances

We can pull those same default-extensions into a package description;

> cat package.dhall
    let defs = ./defaults.dhall

in    defs
    ⫽ ./default-extensions.dhall
    ⫽ { name =
      , github =
      , dependencies =
          # [ "numbers"
            , "fixed"
            , "bifunctors"
            , "text"
            , "formatting"
            , "uom-plugin"
            , "siggy-chardust"


We can consistently format package.dhall and other *.dhall imports using dhall;

> stack install dhall --stack-yaml=stack-dhall.yaml
> __bin/dhall format --inplace package.dhall


Using hpack’s conditionals in a list in package.dhall can cause an error because lists in Dhall must have elements of the same type;

From stack’s package.yaml;

    main: Main.hs
    source-dirs: src/main
    - Build_stack
    - Paths_stack
    - -threaded
    - -rtsopts
    - stack
    - condition: flag(static)
      - -static
      - -pthread
    - condition: ! '!(flag(disable-git-info))'
      cpp-options: -DUSE_GIT_INFO
      - githash
      - optparse-simple
    - condition: flag(hide-dependency-versions)
      cpp-options: -DHIDE_DEP_VERSIONS
    - condition: flag(supported-build)
      cpp-options: -DSUPPORTED_BUILD

This can be represented in package.dhall as;

, executables =
    { stack =
        { main =
        , source-dirs =
            [ "src/main" ]
        , generated-other-modules =
            [ "Build_stack", "Paths_stack" ]
        , ghc-options =
            [ "-threaded", "-rtsopts" ]
        , dependencies =
            [ "stack" ]
        , when =
            [ { condition =
              , cpp-options =
                  [] : List Text
              , dependencies =
                  [] : List Text
              , ld-options =
                  [ "-static", "-pthread" ]
            , { condition =
              , cpp-options =
                  [ "-DUSE_GIT_INFO" ]
              , dependencies =
                  [ "githash", "optparse-simple" ]
              , ld-options =
                  [] : List Text
            , { condition =
              , cpp-options =
                  [ "-DHIDE_DEP_VERSIONS" ]
              , dependencies =
                  [] : List Text
              , ld-options =
                  [] : List Text
            , { condition =
              , cpp-options =
                  [ "-DSUPPORTED_BUILD" ]
              , dependencies =
                  [] : List Text
              , ld-options =
                  [] : List Text

Continuous Integration

With haskell-ci tooling installed, generate the .travis.yml setup with;

> haskell-ci --output=.travis.yml --config=cabal.haskell-ci hpack-dhall.cabal
*INFO* Generating Travis-CI config for testing for GHC versions: 8.2.2 8.4.3 8.4.4 8.6.3


The latest version of this changelog.

0.5.2 - Consistent Golden Tests

  • Use explicit dependencies to achieve consistent golden tests in all but stack-8.6.3.yaml.

0.5.1 - Minor, bump in hpack version

  • Regenerate golden files for the bump in hpack’s version:
---- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.31.0.
++-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.31.1.

0.5.0 - Sorted Fields Pretty Printing

  • Sort fields when pretty printing JSON and YAML.
  • Add real world golden tests, using stack and hpack packages.

0.4.0 - Split Executables

  • Add licence and copyright.
  • Rename hpack-dhall to dhall-hpack-cabal.
  • Add dhall-hpack-* executables for showing dhall, json and yaml.