
A Haskell Vault KVv2 secret engine client

Version on this page:0.1.8
LTS Haskell 19.33:0.1.8
Stackage Nightly 2022-03-17:0.1.8
Latest on Hackage:

See all snapshots gothic appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed by Michel Boucey
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:gothic-0.1.8@sha256:700793ef57db9fb813f81e268ba3d653907509699e1d0fed0426aeb2a7c6a939,1801

“Historically, strongrooms were built in the basement of a bank where the ceilings were vaulted, hence the name.”

Art. “Bank vault”, Wikipedia.

Gothic, a Haskell client for Vault KV Engine v2 Build Status

This library implements the HashiCorp Vault KVv2 Engine API.