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Within LTS Haskell 22.17 (ghc-9.6.4)

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  1. fp :: Format r (FilePath -> r)

    turtle Turtle.Format

    Format a FilePath into Text

  2. fp :: Format mode -> Ptr CFile

    soxlib Sound.SoxLib

    No documentation available.

  3. data FP

    sbv Data.SBV.Float

    Internal representation of a parameterized float. A note on cardinality: If we have eb exponent bits, and sb significand bits, then the total number of floats is 2^sb*(2^eb-1) + 3: All exponents except 11..11 is allowed. So we get, 2^eb-1, different combinations, each with a sign, giving us 2^sb*(2^eb-1) totals. Then we have two infinities, and one NaN, adding 3 more.

  4. FP :: Int -> Int -> BigFloat -> FP

    sbv Data.SBV.Float

    No documentation available.

  5. fpChar :: FormatParse -> Char

    base Text.Printf

    Primary format character.

  6. fpModifiers :: FormatParse -> String

    base Text.Printf

    Any modifiers found.

  7. fpRest :: FormatParse -> String

    base Text.Printf

    Rest of the format string.

  8. fprop :: (HasCallStack, Testable prop) => String -> prop -> Spec

    hspec Test.Hspec.QuickCheck

    fprop ".." $
    is a shortcut for
    fit ".." $ property $

  9. fPrim :: TermFold a -> RttiType -> [Word] -> a

    ghc GHC.Runtime.Heap.Inspect

    No documentation available.

  10. fpu :: Iso' DiagramAnimOpts Double

    diagrams-lib Diagrams.Backend.CmdLine

    No documentation available.

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