BSD-3-Clause licensed by Harendra Kumar
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:bench-show-0.2.2@sha256:ecc994d4f3ba79468bd56b281671996f94a8103e381d5e9ad371ca1a75405a37,5467

Module documentation for 0.2.2


Generate text reports and graphical charts from the benchmark results generated by gauge or criterion, showing or comparing benchmarks in many useful ways. In a few lines of code, we can report time taken, peak memory usage, allocations, among many other fields; we can group benchmarks and compare the groups; we can compare benchmarks before and after a change; we can show absolute or percentage difference from the baseline; we can sort the results to get the worst affected benchmarks by percentage change.

It can help us in answering questions like the following, visually or textually:

  • Across two benchmark runs, show all the operations that resulted in a regression of more than 10%, so that we can quickly identify and fix performance problems in our application.
  • Across two (or more) packages providing similar functionality, show all the operations where the performance differs by more than 10%, so that we can critically analyze the packages and choose the right one.

Quick Start

Use gauge or criterion to generate a results.csv file, and then use the following code to generate a textual report or a graph:

report "results.csv"  Nothing defaultConfig
graph  "results.csv" "output" defaultConfig

For advanced usage, control the generated report by modifying the defaultConfig.

Reports and Charts

report with Fields presentation style generates a multi-column report. We can select many fields from a gauge raw report. Units of the fields are automatically determined based on the range of values:

report "results.csv" Nothing defaultConfig { presentation = Fields }
Benchmark     time(μs) maxrss(MiB)
------------- -------- -----------
vector/fold     641.62        2.75
streamly/fold   639.96        2.75
vector/map      638.89        2.72
streamly/map    653.36        2.66
vector/zip      651.42        2.58
streamly/zip    644.33        2.59

graph generates one bar chart per field:

graph "results.csv" "output" defaultConfig

When the input file contains results from a single benchmark run, by default all the benchmarks are placed in a single benchmark group named “default”.

Median Time Grouped


Let’s write a benchmark classifier to put the streamly and vector benchmarks in their own groups:

   classifier name =
       case splitOn "/" name of
           grp : bench -> Just (grp, concat bench)
           _          -> Nothing

Now we can show the two benchmark groups as separate columns. We can generate reports comparing different benchmark fields (e.g. time and maxrss) for all the groups:

   report "results.csv" Nothing
     defaultConfig { classifyBenchmark = classifier }
Benchmark streamly(μs) vector(μs)
--------- ------------ ----------
fold            639.96     641.62
map             653.36     638.89
zip             644.33     651.42

We can do the same graphically as well, just replace report with graph in the code above. Each group is placed as a cluster on the graph. Multiple clusters are placed side by side (i.e. on the same scale) for easy comparison. For example:

Median Time Grouped

Regression, Percentage Difference and Sorting

We can append benchmarks results from multiple runs to the same file. These runs can then be compared. We can run benchmarks before and after a change and then report the regressions by percentage change in a sorted order:

Given a results file with two runs, this code generates the report that follows:

   report "results.csv" Nothing
         { classifyBenchmark = classifier
         , presentation = Groups PercentDiff
         , selectBenchmarks = \f ->
              $ map fst
              $ sortBy (comparing snd)
              $ either error id $ f $ ColumnIndex 1
(time)(Median)(Diff using min estimator)
Benchmark streamly(0)(μs)(base) streamly(1)(%)(-base)
--------- --------------------- ---------------------
zip                      644.33                +23.28
map                      653.36                 +7.65
fold                     639.96                -15.63

It tells us that in the second run the worst affected benchmark is zip taking 23.28 percent more time compared to the baseline.


Median Time Regression

Full Documentation and examples

Contributions and Feedback

Contributions are welcome! Please see the file or the existing issues if you want to pick up something to work on.

Any feedback on improvements or the direction of the package is welcome. You can always send an email to the maintainer or raise an issue for anything you want to suggest or discuss, or send a PR for any change that you would like to make.



  • Allow additional annotations to title to be controlled via config
  • Better error handling


  • Use new version of statistics package.


Release Notes

  • Due to a bug in the statistics package, reporting may crash on certain inputs with a vector index out of bounds message. The bug has been fixed and will be available in an upcoming release.

Breaking Changes

  • The package bench-graph has been renamed to bench-show to reflect the fact that it now includes text reports as well. This includes the change of module name BenchGraph to BenchShow.
  • The bgraph API has been removed and replaced by graph
  • The way output file is generated has changed. Now field name or group name being plotted or both may be suffixed to the output file name automatically. The estimator type (e.g. mean or median) is also suffixed to the filename.
  • Changes to Config record:
    • chartTitle field has been renamed to title.
    • The type of outputDir is now a Maybe.
    • comparisonStyle has been replaced by presentation
    • ComparisonStyle has been replaced by Presentation
    • sortBenchmarks has been replaced by selectBenchmarks. The new function can be defined as follows in terms of an older definition: selectBenchmarks = \g -> sortBenchmarks $ either error (map fst) $ f (ColumnIndex 0)
    • sortBenchGroups has been replaced by selectGroups
    • setYScale field has been broken down into two fields fieldRanges and fieldTicks. Now you also need to specify which fields’ scale you want to set.


  • A report API has been added to generate textual reports
  • More ways to compare groups have been added, including percent and percent difference
  • Now we can show multiple fields as columns in a single benchmark group report
  • Field units are now automatically selected based on the range of values
  • Additions to Config record type:
    • selectFields added to select the fields to be plotted and to change their presentation order.
    • selectBenchmarks can now sort the results based on values corresponding to any field or benchmark group.
    • new fields added: diffStrategy, verbose, estimator, threshold


  • Fix a bug resulting in a bogus error, something like “Field [time] found at different indexes..” even though the field has exactly the same index at all places.


  • Add maxrss plotting support


  • Fixed a bug that caused missing graphs in some cases when multiple iterations of a benchmark are present in the bechmark results file.

  • Better error reporting to pinpoint errors when a problem occurs.


  • Support GHC 8.4


  • Initial release