:diamonds: throwable-exceptions :diamonds:

gives an easy way to create the data types of Exception
instance with TemplateHaskell,
and gives simple data types of Exception
instance with its value constructor,
for your haskell project :dog:
is available in
:books: Document is available in here :books:
:muscle: Why should we use this ? :muscle:
We want to throw some exception frequently, but the mostly throwable exceptions are not given by base
complements it :+1:
- vvv The summary of the exact examples is available here vvv
You can create a data type of Exception
instance by a line :exclamation:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
-- This is same as
-- data MyException a = MyException
-- { myExceptionCause :: String
-- , myExceptionClue :: a
-- } deriving (Show, Typeable)
-- instance (Typeable a, Show a) => Exception (MyException a)
declareException "MyException" ["MyException"]
-- This is same as
-- data TwoException a =
-- FirstException
-- { firstExceptionCause :: String
-- , firstExceptionClue :: a
-- } |
-- SecondException
-- { secondExceptionCause :: String
-- , secondExceptionClue :: a
-- } deriving (Typeable)
-- instance Show a => (TwoException a) where
-- ...
-- instance (Typeable a, Show a) => Exception (TwoException a)
declareException "TwoException" ["FirstException", "SecondException"]
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ ([1..4] `at` 5 :: Either SomeException Int)
print $ MyException "hi" 10
print $ myException "poi"
print $ firstException "chino"
print $ secondException "cocoa"
Several exceptions are defined by default :smile:
For example, IOException’s value constructor is not given :cry:
But you can use Control.Exception.Throwable.IOException'
instead :dog:
module Main where
main :: IO ()
main = do
throwM $ IOException' "oops!" "in main"
throwM $ ioException' "oops!"
PR is welcome !