
A typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes.

Version on this page:0.2
LTS Haskell 23.8:
Stackage Nightly 2025-02-15:
Latest on Hackage:

See all snapshots newtype appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed by Darius Jahandarie, Conor McBride
Maintained by Darius Jahandarie <djahandarie at gmail>
This version can be pinned in stack with:newtype-0.2@sha256:5fb7b9e034aeb9c728a2916bf9b041c598de9e818170b83b7e6e0eda98f1df8b,793

Module documentation for 0.2

  • Control
    • Control.Newtype
Depends on 1 package(full list with versions):

Per Conor McBride, the Newtype typeclass represents the packing and unpacking of a newtype, and allows you to operatate under that newtype with functions such as ala.