Composable class-based roles
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Module documentation for
- Data
Composable, class-based roles.
Table of contents
What is the cost of a newtype
The conventional wisdom is that Haskell’s newtype
gives you a zero-cost
abstraction–wrapping and unwrapping of newtype
s are purely a compile-time
operation. Unfortunately, this is not quite the case:
-- A zero-cost abstraction... or is it?
newtype User = User String
-- 'name x' and 'x' will refer to the same in-memory entity at run-time...
name :: User -> String
name (User x) = x
-- ...but 'maybeName x' and 'x' will not be the same at run-time:
-- a new value of type 'Maybe String' is allocated, despite being
-- identical to the input!
maybeName :: Maybe User -> Maybe String
maybeName = fmap name
See the POPL ’11 paper Generative Type Abstraction and Type-level Computation for a more
through investigation of the problem and a solution, and the ICFP ’14 paper Safe Zero-cost Coercions for Haskell for
implementation of the Coercible
typeclass in Haskell. Still more information can be found on the Haskell wiki.
The magical Coercible
The solution described in the second paper was to introduce a typeclass Coercible a b
of the
class Coercible a b where
coerce :: a -> b
There is something a bit magical about a typeclass like this, that requires baked-in
compiler support:
Consider a declaration newtype New = MkNew Old
. Within the module where New
defined, we should be able to freely coerce
between New
and Old
. But then again,
if MkNew
is not exported, then outside of the module we should not be able to
between New
and Old
. As a result, the Coercible
class must involve special
compiler magic to ensure that coerce
is only available in the appropriate modules.
Lifting coercions
Let’s revisit the maybeName
issue. Ideally, we would like to rewrite the example
to make the coercions explicit, to guarantee zero runtime cost:
newtype User = User String
name :: User -> String
name = coerce
-- GHC knows that it can coerce 'User' to 'String', but
-- how about 'Maybe User' to 'Maybe String'?
maybeName :: Maybe User -> Maybe String
maybeName = coerce
For this to work, we would need instances of Coercible User String
(provided by
GHC compiler magic, since we’re in the module where User
is defined) and
also Coercible a b => Coercible (Maybe a) (Maybe b)
You might expect GHC could implement a generic “coercion lifting” rule of the form
Coercible a b => Coercible (f a) (f b)
. Unfortunately this would be unsound
in the presence of type families:
newtype User = MkUser String
type family Fam
type instance Fam String = Int
type instance Fam User = Double
If GHC naively added the coercion lifting rule, then we would be able to
coerce from Double
to Int
Coercible User String => Coercible (Fam User) (Fam String) -- a.k.a. Coercible Double Int!
This is obviously no good.
Roles to the rescue
It seems that sometimes we can lift a Coercion a b
to a Coercion (f a) (f b)
(e.g. for Maybe
) and sometimes we cannot (e.g. for Fam
). To figure out when
a coercion a -> b
can be lifted to a coercion f a -> f b
, GHC infers a role
for the type parameter of f
. If f
can safely support coercion-lifting, then
we say f
’s type parameter has a representational role; otherwise, it has a
nominal role.
Happily, GHC will infer that Maybe
’s type parameter is representational, while
’s type parameter is nominal. This lets our definition maybeName = coerce
pass the compiler, while attempting to coerce an Int
to a Double
will fail.
The roles
What problem does this library solve?
Unfortunately, in GHC Haskell there is currently (circa late 2017) no way to write something like this:
coerceFirst :: (Coercible a b, Functor f) => [f a] -> Maybe (f b)
coerceFirst [] = Nothing
coerceFirst (x:_) = Just (coerce x)
{- GHC says:
• Couldn't match representation of type ‘f a’ with that of ‘f b’
arising from a use of ‘coerce’
NB: We cannot know what roles the parameters to ‘f’ have;
we must assume that the role is nominal
GHC rightly refuses to lift the coercion from a
to b
into a coercion from
f a
to f b
: it does not have any assurance that the functor
uses its type parameter representationally.
In other words, this function needs to have a constraint Representational f
means something like “f
’s type parameter has a representational
This library simply provides the Representational
typeclass for a variety of
types in base
and containers
How can I use this library?
Since it is not made up of GHC pixie-dust magic, Representational
needs a way to
convince GHC that the lifted coercion is allowed.
It does this via the lone function of the Representational
class Representational f where
rep :: Coercion a b -> Coercion (f a) (f b)
A value of type Coercion a b
is like a certificate that tells GHC “you are allowed
to coerce a
to b
”. You cash the certificate in by using coerceWith
, yielding
an actual coercion from a
to b
. The rep
function simply converts a certificate
for coercing a
to b
into a certificate for coercing f a
into f b
We can now fix the example from the previous section:
coerceFirst :: (Coercible a b, Representational f, Functor f) => [f a] -> Maybe (f b)
coerceFirst [] = Nothing
coerceFirst (x:_) = Just (coerceWith (rep Coercion) x)
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- |
-- This means: (1) Get a certificate verifying that we can coerce `a` to `b`.
-- This certificate is `Coercion`, and we got it by making use
-- of the constraint `Coercible a b`.
-- (2) Since `f` is `Representational`, we can use `rep` to upgrade
-- the certificate to a certificate for coercion from `f a` to `f b`.
-- (3) Use `coerceWith` to hand the certificate over to GHC, obtaining
-- an actual coercion from `f a` to `f b` in return.
{- GHC says: sounds good to me! -}
For another usage example, see the withRecMap
function from justified-containers
and the corresponding test case. A Representational
constraint is used to ensure
that large maps are not duplicated in memory, despite undergoing a complex series
of newtype
-related manipulations. An earlier version of withRecMap
worked by
ping newtype wrappers and unwrappers, which caused an accidental duplication
of the map.
This package is a fork of Edward Kmett’s original roles 0.1
. It offers
fewer instances of Representational
, in exchange for a much smaller set
of dependencies. The instances that involve new
and eta
have been
removed, and instances for containers
have been added.
- Drop lens, add containers dependency
- Remove instances that rely on ‘new’ and ‘eta’ (for now)
- Repository initialized