
Orphan instances for TH datatypes

Version on this page:0.13.6
LTS Haskell 22.30:0.13.14@rev:3
Stackage Nightly 2024-07-26:0.13.14@rev:3
Latest on Hackage:0.13.14@rev:3

See all snapshots th-orphans appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed by Matt Morrow
Maintained by Michael Sloan <mgsloan at gmail>
This version can be pinned in stack with:th-orphans-0.13.6@sha256:9e69750d1f04e2fec79690c12565c0b1e58210ba9ccfcd169873eda1209acf1d,2304

Module documentation for 0.13.6


Hackage Hackage Dependencies Haskell Programming Language BSD3 License Build

Orphan instances for TH datatypes


0.13.6 [2018.07.01]

  • Allow building with template-haskell-2.14.
  • Implement qAddForeignFilePath and qAddTempFile for Quasi instances

0.13.5 [2018.01.18]

  • Implement qAddCorePlugin for Quasi instances

0.13.4 [2017.07.26]

  • Implement qAddForeignFile for Quasi instances

0.13.3 [2016.11.09]

  • Backport Generic NameFlavour instance