Syntax highlighter for Haskell using lexer of GHC itself
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Module documentation for
GHC syntax highligher
This is a syntax highlighter library for Haskell using lexer of GHC itself.
Here is a blog post announcing the package, the readme is mostly derived from it:
Parsing Haskell is hard, because Haskell is a complex language with
countless features. The only way to get it right 100% is to use parser of
GHC itself. Fortunately, now there is the ghc
package, which as of
version 8.4.1 exports enough of GHC’s source code to allow us use its lexer.
Alternative approaches, even decent ones like highlight.js
don’t support cutting-edge features or do their work without sufficient
precision so that many tokens end up combined and the end result is
typically still hard to read.
The API is extremely simple:
-- | Token types that are used as tags to mark spans of source code.
data Token
= KeywordTok -- ^ Keyword
| PragmaTok -- ^ Pragmas
| SymbolTok -- ^ Symbols (punctuation that is not an operator)
| VariableTok -- ^ Variable name (term level)
| ConstructorTok -- ^ Data\/type constructor
| OperatorTok -- ^ Operator
| CharTok -- ^ Character
| StringTok -- ^ String
| IntegerTok -- ^ Integer
| RationalTok -- ^ Rational number
| CommentTok -- ^ Comment (including Haddocks)
| SpaceTok -- ^ Space filling
| OtherTok -- ^ Something else?
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show)
-- | Tokenize Haskell source code. If the code cannot be parsed, return
-- 'Nothing'. Otherwise return the original input tagged by 'Token's.
-- The parser does not require the input source code to form a valid Haskell
-- program, so as long as the lexer can decompose your input (most of the
-- time), it'll return something in 'Just'.
tokenizeHaskell :: Text -> Maybe [(Token, Text)]
So given a simple program:
module Main (main) where
import Data.Bits
-- | Program's entry point.
main :: IO ()
main = return ()
It outputs something like this:
basicModule :: [(Token, Text)]
basicModule =
[ (KeywordTok,"module")
, (SpaceTok," ")
, (ConstructorTok,"Main")
, (SpaceTok," ")
, (SymbolTok,"(")
, (VariableTok,"main")
, (SymbolTok,")")
, (SpaceTok," ")
, (KeywordTok,"where")
, (SpaceTok,"\n\n")
, (KeywordTok,"import")
, (SpaceTok," ")
, (ConstructorTok,"Data.Bits")
, (SpaceTok,"\n\n")
, (CommentTok,"-- | Program's entry point.")
, (SpaceTok,"\n\n")
, (VariableTok,"main")
, (SpaceTok," ")
, (SymbolTok,"::")
, (SpaceTok," ")
, (ConstructorTok,"IO")
, (SpaceTok," ")
, (SymbolTok,"(")
, (SymbolTok,")")
, (SpaceTok,"\n")
, (VariableTok,"main")
, (SpaceTok," ")
, (SymbolTok,"=")
, (SpaceTok," ")
, (VariableTok,"return")
, (SpaceTok," ")
, (SymbolTok,"(")
, (SymbolTok,")")
, (SpaceTok,"\n")
is rarely returned if ever, because it looks like the lexer is
capable of interpreting almost any text as a stream of GHC tokens.
How to use it in your blog
Depends on your markdown processor. If you’re an mmark
user, good
news, since version of mmark-ext
it includes the
extension. Due to flexibility of MMark, it’s possible
to use this highlighter for Haskell and skylighting
as a
fall-back for everything else. Consult the docs for more
skylighting is what Pandoc uses. And from what I can tell it’s hardcoded to use only that library for highlighting, so some creativity may be necessary to get it work.
Issues, bugs, and questions may be reported in the GitHub issue tracker for this project.
Pull requests are also welcome.
Copyright © 2018–2019 Mark Karpov
Distributed under BSD 3 clause license.
GHC syntax highlighter
- Fixed the bug when certain extensions such as
were not enabled when the code was compiled with GHC 8.6.
GHC syntax highlighter
- Compiles with GHC 8.6.
GHC syntax highlighter
- Added
GHC syntax highlighter
- Initial release.