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Within LTS Haskell 23.7 (ghc-9.8.4)

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  1. package aeson

    Fast JSON parsing and encoding A JSON parsing and encoding library optimized for ease of use and high performance. To get started, see the documentation for the Data.Aeson module below. (A note on naming: in Greek mythology, Aeson was the father of Jason.)

  2. module Data.Aeson

    Types and functions for working efficiently with JSON data. (A note on naming: in Greek mythology, Aeson was the father of Jason.)

  3. module Data.Yaml.Aeson

    Just a re-export of Data.Yaml. In the future, this will be the canonical name for that module's contents.

  4. newtype Aeson a

    postgresql-simple Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Newtypes

    A newtype wrapper with ToField and FromField instances based on ToJSON and FromJSON type classes from aeson. Example using DerivingVia:

    data Foo = Foo Int String
    deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)            -- GHC built int
    deriving anyclass (FromJSON, ToJSON)          -- Derived using GHC Generics
    deriving (ToField, FromField) via Aeson Foo   -- DerivingVia
    Example using Aeson newtype directly, for more ad-hoc queries
    execute conn "INSERT INTO tbl (fld) VALUES (?)" (Only (Aeson x))

  5. Aeson :: a -> Aeson a

    postgresql-simple Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Newtypes

    No documentation available.

  6. module Autodocodec.Aeson

    No documentation available.

  7. module Data.YAML.Aeson

    The YAML 1.2 format provides a much richer data-model and feature-set than the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. However, sometimes it's desirable to ignore the extra capabilities and treat YAML as if it was merely a more convenient markup format for humans to write JSON data. To this end this module provides a compatibility layer atop Data.YAML which allows decoding YAML documents in the more limited JSON data-model while also providing convenience by reusing aeson's FromJSON instances for decoding the YAML data into native Haskell data types.

  8. module Data.Binary.Instances.Aeson

    No documentation available.

  9. module Deriving.Aeson

    Type-directed aeson instance CustomJSONisation

  10. module Data.GenValidity.Aeson

    No documentation available.

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