
base-compat with extra batteries

Version on this page:0.10.5@rev:1
LTS Haskell 22.37:0.13.1
Stackage Nightly 2024-10-06:0.13.1
Latest on Hackage:0.14.0

See all snapshots base-compat-batteries appears in

MIT licensed and maintained by Simon Hengel, João Cristóvão, Ryan Scott
This version can be pinned in stack with:base-compat-batteries-0.10.5@sha256:773526cb63fd837a10884c48f62185284596e70c644465c55a1d828918165697,8577

Module documentation for 0.10.5

base-compat with extra batteries

Hackage Hackage Dependencies Haskell Programming Language BSD3 License


base-compat-batteries provides functions available in later versions of base to a wider range of compilers, without requiring you to use CPP pragmas in your code.

This package provides the same API as the base-compat library, but depends on compatibility packages (such as semigroups) to offer a wider support window than base-compat, which has no dependencies.

Like base-compat, base-compat-batteries does not add any orphan instances. There is a separate package base-orphans for that.

See here for a more comprehensive list of differences between base-compat and base-compat-batteries.


Changes in 0.10.5 [2018.10.18]

  • This coincides with the base-compat-0.10.5 release. Refer to the base-compat changelog for more details.

Changes in 0.10.4 [2018.07.03]

  • Add a SafeHaskellSpec test which ensures that certain modules (such as Prelude.Compat) can be imported in the presence of Safe.
  • This coincides with the base-compat-0.10.4 release. Refer to the base-compat changelog for more details.

Changes in 0.10.3 [2018.07.02]

  • This coincides with the base-compat-0.10.3 release. Refer to the base-compat changelog for more details.

Changes in 0.10.2 [2018.07.02]

  • Sync with base-4.12/GHC 8.6
  • Introduce the Data.Functor.Contravariant.Compat module, which reexports Data.Functor.Contravariant from base (if using GHC 8.6 or later) or the contravariant library (if using an earlier version of GHC).
  • This coincides with the base-compat-0.10.2 release. Refer to the base-compat changelog for more details.

Changes in 0.10.1 [2018.04.10]

  • Add Data.List.NonEmpty.Compat.
  • Reexport (Data.Semigroup.<>) from Data.Monoid.Compat.
  • Tighten lower bounds of compat package dependencies.
  • This coincides with the base-compat-0.10.1 release. Refer to the base-compat changelog for more details.

Changes in 0.10.0 [2018.04.05]

  • Sync with base-4.11/GHC 8.4
  • This coincides with the base-compat-0.10 release. Refer to the base-compat changelog for more details.