Write more understandable Haskell.
Flow is a package that provides functions and operators for writing more
understandable Haskell. It is an alternative to some common idioms like
for function application and (.)
for function composition.
Flow requires a Haskell compiler. It is tested with recent versions of GHC, but
older or different compilers should be acceptable. For installation with Cabal,
Flow requires at least Cabal 1.8.
To add Flow as a dependency to your package, add it to your Cabal file.
build-depends: flow ==1.0.*
Flow is designed to be imported unqualified. It does not export anything that
conflicts with the base package.
import Flow
Cheat sheet
Flow |
Base |
x |> f |
x & f |
f <| x |
f $ x |
apply x f |
f x |
f .> g |
f >>> g |
g <. f |
g . f |
compose f g x |
g (f x) |
x !> f |
- |
f <! x |
f $! x |
apply' x f |
seq x (f x) |
Converting existing code
If you want to uniformly use flow operators you can use HLint with the
file. For easy use, it is best to extract the
to your project directory and do
> hlint -h hlint-flow.yaml <source file>
> hlint --git -h hlint-flow.yaml
to check all Haskell source tracked by git.
For more information about Flow, please read the Haddock documentation.