BSD-3-Clause licensed by Akshay Mankar
This version can be pinned in stack with:jsonpath-,2195
Module documentation for

Implementation of jsonpath as described by Steffen Göessner.
State of this library
This library is still work in progress, but feel free to use it create issues. It lacks some features and has a few variances from the description.
Missing Features
- The Length funtion: The ability to say
. It will just look for length
key as of now.
- ScriptExpression: The ability to say things like
- The
sign in the beginning is not compulsory
- The
will not produce the root object itself.
I have copied a few of the tests from there, I will probably just sub-module the repository if and when the whole test suite is green.
I am using this library to support GCP authentication in the Kubernetes haskell client.
Changelog for jsonpath-hs
- BreakingChange: Fix typo in
- Fix typo in parser error.
- Remove upper bounds from dependencies, as most of them are quite stable packages.
- Import Data.Semigroup to support GHC 8.
- Add test json files to make sure test sdist compile and runs.
Unreleased changes