Change order of delay and action arguments in register, register_, recurring, and recurring_
Simplify cancel to return True at most once
Throw an error if a negative delay is provided to register, register_, recurring, or recurring_
Fix underflow bug that affected recurring timers
Remove create, destroy
Remove TimerWheelDied exception. with now simply re-throws the exception that the timer wheel thread throws
Remove InvalidTimerWheelConfig exception. error is used instead
Remove support for GHC < 8.6
[] - 2019-05-19
Swap out ghc-prim and primitive for vector
[0.2.0] - 2019-02-03
Add destroy function, for reaping the background thread
Add recurring_ function
If the timer wheel reaper thread crashes, it will propagate the exception to
the thread that spawned it
new may now throw InvalidTimerWheelConfig
The cancel action returned by register is now memoized, which fixes a bug
involving trying to cancel a recurring timer twice. The second call used to
spin forever and peg a CPU