
XML picklers based on xml-types, ported from hexpat-pickle

LTS Haskell 23.5:0.3.6
Stackage Nightly 2025-01-21:0.3.6
Latest on Hackage:0.3.6

See all snapshots xml-picklers appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed and maintained by Philipp Balzarek
This version can be pinned in stack with:xml-picklers-0.3.6@sha256:db58bca602c08c220be405013a64d7afd3d7e23c7b3a2c5bb383b6ea45cdf209,1465

Module documentation for 0.3.6

A library of combinators that allows Haskell data structures to be pickled (serialized) to/from a representation of XML as defined in xml-types

Release history

Changed the Result type of unpicklers. Unpicklers now fail by default when there are remaining elements
Error system overhaul
Initial release