Dimensional is a library providing data types for performing arithmetic
with physical quantities and units. Information about the physical
dimensions of the quantities and units is embedded in their types and the
validity of operations is verified by the type checker at compile time.
The boxing and unboxing of numerical values as quantities is done by
multiplication and division with units. The library is designed to, as
far as is practical, enforce/encourage best practices of unit usage.
Changes (2015-04)
Corrected definition of lumen. (2014-09)
Bumped time dependency to < 1.6.
0.13 (2014-02)
Bump major version (should have been done in previous version).
0.12.3 (2014-02)
Bump numtype dependency to 1.1 (GHC 7.8.1 compatibility fix).
Added Torque.
Added D.. for the type synonym quantities (e.g., Angle).