
A Testing Framework for Haskell


Version on this page:2.1.7@rev:1
LTS Haskell 22.30:2.11.9
Stackage Nightly 2024-07-26:2.11.9
Latest on Hackage:2.11.9

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MIT licensed
Maintained by Simon Hengel
This version can be pinned in stack with:hspec-2.1.7@sha256:83fbf89ea8a5e1b2177ac6b4cd43283bebf0cfa5acb4535d4bcd48b85c2caf44,2095

Hspec is a testing framework for Haskell. It is inspired by the Ruby library RSpec. Some of Hspec's distinctive features are:

  • a friendly DSL for defining tests

  • integration with QuickCheck, SmallCheck, and HUnit

  • parallel test execution

  • automatic discovery of test files

The Hspec Manual is at http://hspec.github.io/.