
A tool for testing command-line programs.

Version on this page:1.3.5@rev:2
LTS Haskell 22.37:1.10
Stackage Nightly 2024-10-08:1.10
Latest on Hackage:1.10

See all snapshots shelltestrunner appears in

LicenseRef-GPL licensed and maintained by Simon Michael
This version can be pinned in stack with:shelltestrunner-1.3.5@sha256:647017bad45490fe4d5f549d21583d80c8ce69f3e4e8e4476c55707126b2e2b4,1877

Module documentation for 1.3.5

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shelltestrunner is a cross-platform tool for testing command-line programs (or arbitrary shell commands.) It reads simple declarative tests specifying a command, some input, and the expected output, error output and exit status. Tests can be run selectively, in parallel, with a timeout, in color, and/or with differences highlighted.