BSD-3-Clause licensed by Cale Gibbard, Ali Abrar
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:constraints-extras-,1857

Module documentation for

constraints-extras travis-ci

Example usage:

> {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications  #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
> import Data.Aeson
> import Data.Constraint.Forall
> import Data.Constraint.Extras
> import Data.Constraint.Extras.TH
> data A :: * -> * where
>   A_a :: A Int
>   A_b :: Int -> A ()
> deriveArgDict ''A
> data B :: * -> * where
>   B_a :: A a -> A a -> B a
>   B_x :: Int -> B Int
> deriveArgDict ''B
> data V :: (* -> *) -> * where
>   V_a :: A Int -> V A
> deriveArgDict ''V
> data DSum k f = forall a. DSum (k a) (f a)
> -- Derive a ToJSON instance for our 'DSum'
> instance forall k f.
>   ( Has' ToJSON k f -- Given a value of type (k a), we can obtain an instance (ToJSON (f a))
>   , ForallF ToJSON k -- For any (a), we have an instance (ToJSON (k a))
>   ) => ToJSON (DSum k f) where
>   toJSON (DSum (k :: k a) f) = toJSON
>     ( whichever @ToJSON @k @a $ toJSON k -- Use the (ForallF ToJSON k) constraint to obtain the (ToJSON (k a)) instance
>     , has' @ToJSON @f k $ toJSON f -- Use the (Has' ToJSON k f) constraint to obtain the (ToJSON (f a)) instance
>     )
> data Some k = forall a. Some (k a)
> -- Derive a FromJSON instance for our 'DSum'
> instance (FromJSON (Some f), Has' FromJSON f g) => FromJSON (DSum f g) where
>   parseJSON x = do
>     (jf, jg) <- parseJSON x
>     Some (f :: f a) <- parseJSON jf
>     g <- has' @FromJSON @g f (parseJSON jg)
>     return $ DSum f g
> main :: IO ()
> main = return ()


Revision history for constraints-extras - 2021-12-17

  • Support GHC 9.2 - 2021-10-28

  • Provide ArgDict instances for sums of functors. - 2021-03-24

  • Allow deriving instances with deriveArgDict for data and newtype family instances by supplying the name of one of its constructors
  • Support GHC 9.0.1 - 2020-06-22

  • Update version bounds for GHC 8.10 - 2019-09-30

  • Update version bounds for GHC 8.8 - 2019-05-17

  • Drop markdown-unlit in favor of using regular “Bird”-style LHS to avoid some cross-compilation problems

0.3 - 2019-05-16

  • Added a parameter for the type class, to allow for custom not-fully-polymorphic instances of ArgDict in cases where e.g. your key type contains dictionaries for specific classes. You will now need FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses for the instances created by deriveArgDict. - 2019-05-04

  • Bumped version bounds on base and template-haskell to admit the versions from GHC 8.6.x - 2019-03-22

  • Added
  • Replaced some occurrences of <> in Data.Constraint.Extras.TH with ++ so that the module will hopefully build with GHC 8.0.2 and 8.2.2 without needing to import Data.Semigroup.