
Preconfigured email connection pool on top of smtp.

Version on this page:2.2.3
LTS Haskell 21.25:2.2.3
Stackage Nightly 2023-06-21:2.2.3
Latest on Hackage:2.3.1

See all snapshots mail-pool appears in

MIT licensed by Jappie Klooster
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:mail-pool-2.2.3@sha256:6c9f2be25db974f63fe60e9d878642bff0194266d2fc17a665837fed275ec1d4,2691

Module documentation for 2.2.3

Email pool

Preconfigured email connection pool on top of smtp.

I needed this in another long term project so I opensourced it. Support gauranteed (by virtue of usage).

See example executable for usage.


Changelog mailpool

Release 2.2.3 2020.12.03

  • No I need to fix haskell net

Release 2.2.2 2020.12.03

  • Maybe it works if we put the same base constraint on this package as haskell net?

Release 2.2.1 2020.12.03

  • Try making hackage build by upgrading haskell net

Release 2.2.0 2020.12.02

  • Add changelog
  • Add fromJSON instance to smtp cred so this easily works with yesod.
  • Improve docs.