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Within LTS Haskell 22.19 (ghc-9.6.4)

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  1. fieldCascade :: FieldDef -> !FieldCascade

    esqueleto Database.Esqueleto

    Defines how operations on the field cascade on to the referenced tables. This doesn't have any meaning if the fieldReference is set to NoReference or SelfReference. The cascade option here should be the same as the one obtained in the fieldReference.

  2. foreignFieldCascade :: ForeignDef -> !FieldCascade

    esqueleto Database.Esqueleto

    Determine how the field will cascade on updates and deletions.

  3. noCascade :: FieldCascade

    esqueleto Database.Esqueleto

    A FieldCascade that does nothing.

  4. renderCascadeAction :: CascadeAction -> Text

    esqueleto Database.Esqueleto

    Render a CascadeAction to Text such that it can be used in a SQL command.

  5. renderFieldCascade :: FieldCascade -> Text

    esqueleto Database.Esqueleto

    Renders a FieldCascade value such that it can be used in SQL migrations.

  6. Cascade :: CascadeAction

    esqueleto Database.Esqueleto.Experimental

    No documentation available.

  7. data () => CascadeAction

    esqueleto Database.Esqueleto.Experimental

    An action that might happen on a deletion or update on a foreign key change.

  8. data () => FieldCascade

    esqueleto Database.Esqueleto.Experimental

    This datatype describes how a foreign reference field cascades deletes or updates. This type is used in both parsing the model definitions and performing migrations. A Nothing in either of the field values means that the user has not specified a CascadeAction. An unspecified CascadeAction is defaulted to Restrict when doing migrations.

  9. FieldCascade :: !Maybe CascadeAction -> !Maybe CascadeAction -> FieldCascade

    esqueleto Database.Esqueleto.Experimental

    No documentation available.

  10. crFieldCascade :: ColumnReference -> !FieldCascade

    esqueleto Database.Esqueleto.Experimental

    Whether or not updates/deletions to the referenced table cascade to this table.

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