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Within LTS Haskell 22.20 (ghc-9.6.4)

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  1. retry :: Parser a m b -> Parser a m b

    streamly-core Streamly.Internal.Data.Parser

    Keep trying a parser until it succeeds. When the parser fails the input consumed till now is dropped and the new instance is tried on the fresh input. Unimplemented

  2. data Retry

    amazonka-core Amazonka.Types

    Constants and predicates used to create a RetryPolicy.

  3. Retry :: ResponseNextStep

    HTTP Network.HTTP.Base

    No documentation available.

  4. module Control.Retry

    This module exposes combinators that can wrap arbitrary monadic actions. They run the action and potentially retry running it with some configurable delay for a configurable number of times. The express purpose of this library is to make it easier to work with IO and especially network IO actions that often experience temporary failure that warrant retrying of the original action. For example, a database query may time out for a while, in which case we should delay a bit and retry the query.

  5. module UnliftIO.Retry

    Unlifted Control.Retry.

  6. module Test.Hspec.Contrib.Retry

    No documentation available.

  7. Retry :: [TVarId] -> Result a

    dejafu Test.DejaFu.Conc.Internal.STM

    The transaction aborted by calling retry, and read the returned TVars. It should be retried when at least one of the TVars has been mutated.

  8. Retry :: Resources a b

    TCache Data.TCache

    forces a retry

  9. Retry :: Resources a b

    TCache Data.TCache.IResource

    forces a retry

  10. Retry :: Action

    broadcast-chan BroadcastChan

    Retry by appending the current element to the queue of remaining elements.

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