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Within LTS Haskell 22.23 (ghc-9.6.5)

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  1. module Text.Pandoc.Writers.CslJson

    Conversion of references from Pandoc metadata to CSL JSON: https://citeproc-js.readthedocs.io/en/latest/csl-json/markup.html. Note that this writer ignores everything in the body of the document and everything in the metadata except references. It assumes that the references field is a list with the structure of a CSL JSON bibliography.

  2. writeCslJson :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m Text

    pandoc Text.Pandoc.Writers.CslJson

    No documentation available.

  3. class ToJSONFilter m a

    pandoc-types Text.Pandoc.JSON

    toJSONFilter convert a function into a filter that reads pandoc's JSON serialized output from stdin, transforms it by walking the AST and applying the specified function, and serializes the result as JSON to stdout. For a straight transformation, use a function of type a -> a or a -> IO a where a = Block, Inline, Pandoc, Meta, or MetaValue. If your transformation needs to be sensitive to the script's arguments, use a function of type [String] -> a -> a (with a constrained as above). The [String] will be populated with the script's arguments. An alternative is to use the type Maybe Format -> a -> a. This is appropriate when the first argument of the script (if present) will be the target format, and allows scripts to behave differently depending on the target format. The pandoc executable automatically provides the target format as argument when scripts are called using the `--filter` option.

  4. toJSONFilter :: ToJSONFilter m a => a -> m ()

    pandoc-types Text.Pandoc.JSON

    No documentation available.

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