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Within LTS Haskell 22.23 (ghc-9.6.5)

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  1. statementCacheLookup :: MkStatementCache -> StatementCacheKey -> IO (Maybe Statement)

    persistent Database.Persist.SqlBackend.StatementCache

    Retrieve a statement from the cache, or return nothing if it is not found.

  2. statementCacheSize :: MkStatementCache -> IO Int

    persistent Database.Persist.SqlBackend.StatementCache

    Get the current size of the cache.

  3. newtype ExternalUnitCache

    ghc GHC.Unit.External

    Information about the currently loaded external packages. This is mutable because packages will be demand-loaded during a compilation run as required.

  4. ExternalUnitCache :: IORef ExternalPackageState -> ExternalUnitCache

    ghc GHC.Unit.External

    No documentation available.

  5. initExternalUnitCache :: IO ExternalUnitCache

    ghc GHC.Unit.External

    No documentation available.

  6. dBusProxyGetCachedProperty :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDBusProxy a) => a -> Text -> m (Maybe GVariant)

    gi-gio GI.Gio.Objects.DBusProxy

    Looks up the value for a property from the cache. This call does no blocking IO. If proxy has an expected interface (see DBusProxy:gInterfaceInfo) and propertyName is referenced by it, then value is checked against the type of the property. Since: 2.26

  7. dBusProxyGetCachedPropertyNames :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDBusProxy a) => a -> m (Maybe [Text])

    gi-gio GI.Gio.Objects.DBusProxy

    Gets the names of all cached properties on proxy. Since: 2.26

  8. dBusProxySetCachedProperty :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsDBusProxy a) => a -> Text -> Maybe GVariant -> m ()

    gi-gio GI.Gio.Objects.DBusProxy

    If value is not Nothing, sets the cached value for the property with name propertyName to the value in value. If value is Nothing, then the cached value is removed from the property cache. If proxy has an expected interface (see DBusProxy:gInterfaceInfo) and propertyName is referenced by it, then value is checked against the type of the property. If the value GVariant is floating, it is consumed. This allows convenient 'inline' use of g_variant_new(), e.g.

    C code

    g_dbus_proxy_set_cached_property (proxy,
    g_variant_new ("(si)",
    "A String",
    Normally you will not need to use this method since proxy is tracking changes using the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged D-Bus signal. However, for performance reasons an object may decide to not use this signal for some properties and instead use a proprietary out-of-band mechanism to transmit changes. As a concrete example, consider an object with a property ChatroomParticipants which is an array of strings. Instead of transmitting the same (long) array every time the property changes, it is more efficient to only transmit the delta using e.g. signals ChatroomParticipantJoined(String name) and ChatroomParticipantParted(String name). Since: 2.26

  9. newtype ExternalUnitCache

    ghc-lib-parser GHC.Unit.External

    Information about the currently loaded external packages. This is mutable because packages will be demand-loaded during a compilation run as required.

  10. ExternalUnitCache :: IORef ExternalPackageState -> ExternalUnitCache

    ghc-lib-parser GHC.Unit.External

    No documentation available.

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