Hoogle Search

Within LTS Haskell 22.24 (ghc-9.6.5)

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  1. query :: URI -> String

    network-uri Network.URI

    Deprecated: use uriQuery, and note changed functionality

  2. query :: (ToRow q, FromRow r) => Connection -> Query -> q -> IO [r]

    postgresql-simple Database.PostgreSQL.Simple

    Perform a SELECT or other SQL query that is expected to return results. All results are retrieved and converted before this function returns. When processing large results, this function will consume a lot of client-side memory. Consider using fold instead. Exceptions that may be thrown:

    • FormatError: the query string could not be formatted correctly.
    • QueryError: the result contains no columns (i.e. you should be using execute instead of query).
    • ResultError: result conversion failed.
    • SqlError: the postgresql backend returned an error, e.g. a syntax or type error, or an incorrect table or column name.

  3. query :: (ToRow q, FromRow r) => Connection -> Query -> q -> IO (Vector r)

    postgresql-simple Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Vector

    Perform a SELECT or other SQL query that is expected to return results. All results are retrieved and converted before this function returns.

  4. query :: (ToRow q, FromRow r, Unbox r) => Connection -> Query -> q -> IO (Vector r)

    postgresql-simple Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Vector.Unboxed

    Perform a SELECT or other SQL query that is expected to return results. All results are retrieved and converted before this function returns.

  5. query :: forall m b (v :: Type -> Type) n . Monoid m => QDiagram b v n m -> Query v n m

    diagrams-lib Diagrams.Query

    Get the query function associated with a diagram.

  6. query :: Monoid m => QDiagram b v n m -> Query v n m

    diagrams-core Diagrams.Core

    Get the query function associated with a diagram.

  7. query :: Monoid m => QDiagram b v n m -> Query v n m

    diagrams-core Diagrams.Core.Types

    Get the query function associated with a diagram.

  8. query :: (Walkable a b, Monoid c) => (a -> c) -> b -> c

    pandoc-types Text.Pandoc.Walk

    query f x walks the structure x (bottom up) and applies f to every a, appending the results.

  9. query :: GQLRequest -> Text

    morpheus-graphql-core Data.Morpheus.Types.IO

    No documentation available.

  10. query :: Schema (s :: Stage) -> TypeDefinition OBJECT s

    morpheus-graphql-core Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.AST

    No documentation available.

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