Hoogle Search

Within LTS Haskell 22.23 (ghc-9.6.5)

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  1. query :: (MonadIO m, OutChan mbox) => (Listen response -> request) -> mbox request -> m response

    nqe Control.Concurrent.NQE.Process

    Send request to channel and wait for a response. The request STM action will be created by this function.

  2. query :: IsLabels n => Class -> n -> TypeSym -> IO (Msg n)

    resolv Network.DNS

    Send a query via res_query(3) and decode its response into a Msg Throws DnsException in case of resolving or encoding/decoding errors. May throw other IO exceptions in case of network errors.


    >>> query classIN (Name "_mirrors.hackage.haskell.org") TypeTXT
    Just (Msg{msgHeader = MsgHeader{mhId    = 56694,
    mhFlags = MsgHeaderFlags{mhQR = IsResponse, mhOpcode = 0, mhAA = False,
    mhTC = False, mhRD = True, mhRA = True, mhZ = False,
    mhAD = False, mhCD = False, mhRCode = 0},
    mhQDCount = 1, mhANCount = 1, mhNSCount = 0, mhARCount = 1},
    msgQD = [MsgQuestion (Name "_mirrors.hackage.haskell.org.") (Type 16) (Class 1)],
    msgAN = [MsgRR{rrName  = Name "_mirrors.hackage.haskell.org.",
    rrClass = Class 1, rrTTL = TTL 299,
    rrData  = RDataTXT ["0.urlbase=http://hackage.fpcomplete.com/",
    msgNS = [],
    msgAR = [MsgRR{rrName = Name ".", rrClass = Class 512, rrTTL = TTL 32768, rrData = RDataOPT ""}]

  3. query :: (ToRow q, FromRow r) => Connection -> Query -> q -> IO [r]

    sqlite-simple Database.SQLite.Simple

    Perform a SELECT or other SQL query that is expected to return results. All results are retrieved and converted before this function returns. When processing large results, this function will consume a lot of client-side memory. Consider using fold instead. Exceptions that may be thrown:

  4. query :: Variable w s a -> s (Maybe a)

    unique-logic-tf UniqueLogic.ST.TF.System

    No documentation available.

  5. query :: Variable w s a -> s (Maybe a)

    unique-logic-tf UniqueLogic.ST.TF.System.Label

    No documentation available.

  6. query :: C s => Variable s a -> s (Maybe a)

    unique-logic-tf UniqueLogic.ST.TF.System.Simple

    No documentation available.

  7. query :: QueryEvent event => AcidState (EventState event) -> event -> IO (EventResult event)

    acid-state Data.Acid

    Issue a Query event and wait for its result. Events may be issued in parallel.

  8. query :: QueryEvent event => AcidState (EventState event) -> event -> IO (EventResult event)

    acid-state Data.Acid.Abstract

    Issue a Query event and wait for its result. Events may be issued in parallel.

  9. query :: QueryEvent event => AcidState (EventState event) -> event -> EventResult event

    acid-state Data.Acid.Memory.Pure

    Issue a Query event and wait for its result.

  10. query :: Text -> Slice -> Query

    aws Aws.DynamoDb.Commands.Query

    Construct a minimal Query request.

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