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Within LTS Haskell 22.30 (ghc-9.6.6)

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  1. module Test.Validity.Aeson

    Standard test Specs and raw Propertys for FromJSON and ToJSON instances. You will need TypeApplications to use these.

  2. module Test.Syd.Validity.Aeson

    Standard test Specs and raw Propertys for FromJSON and ToJSON instances. You will need TypeApplications to use these.

  3. module KeyedVals.Handle.Codec.Aeson

    No documentation available.

  4. module Data.Thyme.Format.Aeson

    Instances of FromJSON and ToJSON for UTCTime and ZonedTime, along with a newtype wrapper DotNetTime.

  5. module Data.Validity.Aeson

    No documentation available.

  6. module Deriving.Aeson

    Type-directed aeson instance CustomJSONisation

  7. module HsLua.Aeson

    Pushes and retrieves aeson Values to and from the Lua stack.

    • JSON null values are encoded as light userdata containing the NULL pointer.
    • Objects are converted to string-indexed tables.
    • Arrays are converted to sequence tables and are given a metatable. This makes it possible to distinguish between empty arrays and empty objects. The metatable is stored in the registry under key 'HsLua JSON array'' (see also jsonarray).
    • JSON numbers are converted to Lua numbers, i.e., Number; the exact C type may vary, depending on compile-time Lua configuration.

  8. module Control.Monad.Logger.Aeson

    No documentation available.

  9. module Data.Conduit.Aeson

    No documentation available.

  10. module Conferer.FromConfig.Aeson

    Source for json config files using Aeson

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