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Within LTS Haskell 22.26 (ghc-9.6.5)

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  1. waitForConfirms :: Channel -> IO ConfirmationResult

    amqp Network.AMQP

    Calling this function will cause the invoking thread to block until all previously published messages have been acknowledged by the broker (positively or negatively). Returns a value of type ConfirmationResult, holding a tuple of two IntSets (acked, nacked), ontaining the delivery tags for the messages that have been confirmed by the broker.

  2. waitForConfirmsUntil :: Channel -> Int -> IO ConfirmationResult

    amqp Network.AMQP

    Same as waitForConfirms, but with a timeout in microseconds. Note that, since this operation may timeout before the server has acked or nacked all pending messages, the returned ConfirmationResult should be pattern-matched for the constructors Complete (acked, nacked) and Partial (acked, nacked, pending)

  3. waiProxyTo :: (Request -> IO WaiProxyResponse) -> (SomeException -> Application) -> Manager -> Application

    http-reverse-proxy Network.HTTP.ReverseProxy

    Creates a WAI Application which will handle reverse proxies. Connections to the proxied server will be provided via http-conduit. As such, all requests and responses will be fully processed in your reverse proxy. This allows you much more control over the data sent over the wire, but also incurs overhead. For a lower-overhead approach, consider rawProxyTo. Most likely, the given application should be run with Warp, though in theory other WAI handlers will work as well. Note: This function will use chunked request bodies for communicating with the proxied server. Not all servers necessarily support chunked request bodies, so please confirm that yours does (Warp, Snap, and Happstack, for example, do).

  4. waiProxyToSettings :: (Request -> IO WaiProxyResponse) -> WaiProxySettings -> Manager -> Application

    http-reverse-proxy Network.HTTP.ReverseProxy

    No documentation available.

  5. waitCounter0 :: Manager -> IO ()

    http2 Network.HTTP2.Internal

    No documentation available.

  6. waitForClient :: MQTTClient -> IO ()

    net-mqtt Network.MQTT.Client

    Wait for a client to terminate its connection. An exception is thrown if the client didn't terminate expectedly.

  7. waitSerialized :: Serialize a => Socket -> IO a

    socks Network.Socks5.Lowlevel

    No documentation available.

  8. waitRequestHandler :: Config -> Bool

    network-messagepack-rpc Network.MessagePack.RPC.Client

    No documentation available.

  9. waitRequestHandler :: Config -> Bool

    network-messagepack-rpc-websocket Network.MessagePack.RPC.Client.WebSocket

    No documentation available.

  10. waitSocket :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => RetryPolicyM m -> AddrInfo -> m Socket

    network-wait Network.Wait

    waitSocket retryPolicy addrInfo is a variant of waitSocketWith which does not install any additional exception handlers.

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