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Within LTS Haskell 22.25 (ghc-9.6.5)

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  1. sort :: forall e m v . (PrimMonad m, MVector v e, Radix e) => v (PrimState m) e -> m ()

    vector-algorithms Data.Vector.Algorithms.Radix

    Sorts an array based on the Radix instance.

  2. sort :: (PrimMonad m, MVector v e, Ord e) => v (PrimState m) e -> m ()

    vector-algorithms Data.Vector.Algorithms.Tim

    Sorts an array using the default comparison.

  3. sort :: Ord a => NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a

    base-compat-batteries Data.List.NonEmpty.Compat

    Sort a stream.

  4. sort :: Vector Double -> Vector Double

    statistics Statistics.Function

    Sort a vector.

  5. sort :: RedisCtx m f => ByteString -> SortOpts -> m (f [ByteString])

    hedis Database.Redis

    No documentation available.

  6. sort :: RedisCtx m f => ByteString -> SortOpts -> m (f [ByteString])

    hedis Database.Redis.Sentinel

    No documentation available.

  7. sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]

    relude Relude.List.Reexport

    The sort function implements a stable sorting algorithm. It is a special case of sortBy, which allows the programmer to supply their own comparison function. Elements are arranged from lowest to highest, keeping duplicates in the order they appeared in the input.

    >>> sort [1,6,4,3,2,5]
    The argument must be finite.

  8. sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]

    Cabal-syntax Distribution.Compat.Prelude

    The sort function implements a stable sorting algorithm. It is a special case of sortBy, which allows the programmer to supply their own comparison function. Elements are arranged from lowest to highest, keeping duplicates in the order they appeared in the input.

    >>> sort [1,6,4,3,2,5]
    The argument must be finite.

  9. sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]

    protolude Protolude

    The sort function implements a stable sorting algorithm. It is a special case of sortBy, which allows the programmer to supply their own comparison function. Elements are arranged from lowest to highest, keeping duplicates in the order they appeared in the input.

    >>> sort [1,6,4,3,2,5]
    The argument must be finite.

  10. sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]

    basic-prelude BasicPrelude

    The sort function implements a stable sorting algorithm. It is a special case of sortBy, which allows the programmer to supply their own comparison function. Elements are arranged from lowest to highest, keeping duplicates in the order they appeared in the input.

    >>> sort [1,6,4,3,2,5]
    The argument must be finite.

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