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Within LTS Haskell 22.39 (ghc-9.6.6)

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  1. module Text.XML.Cursor

    This module provides for simple DOM traversal. It is inspired by XPath. There are two central concepts here:

    • A Cursor represents a node in the DOM. It also contains information on the node's location. While the Node datatype will only know of its children, a Cursor knows about its parent and siblings as well. (The underlying mechanism allowing this is called a zipper, see http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Zipper and http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Tying_the_Knot.)
    • An Axis, in its simplest form, takes a Cursor and returns a list of Cursors. It is used for selections, such as finding children, ancestors, etc. Axes can be chained together to express complex rules, such as all children named foo.
    The terminology used in this module is taken directly from the XPath specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/. For those familiar with XPath, the one major difference is that attributes are not considered nodes in this module.

  2. type Cursor = Cursor Node

    xml-conduit Text.XML.Cursor

    A cursor: contains an XML Node and pointers to its children, ancestors and siblings.

  3. data Cursor node

    xml-conduit Text.XML.Cursor.Generic

    A cursor: contains an XML Node and pointers to its children, ancestors and siblings.

  4. module Text.XML.Light.Cursor

    XML cursors for working XML content withing the context of an XML document. This implementation is based on the general tree zipper written by Krasimir Angelov and Iavor S. Diatchki.

  5. data Cursor

    xml Text.XML.Light.Cursor

    The position of a piece of content in an XML document.

  6. module Text.XmlHtml.Cursor

    A zipper for navigating and modifying XML trees. This is nearly the same exposed interface as the xml package in Text.XML.Light.Cursor, with modifications as needed to adapt to different types.

  7. data Cursor

    xmlhtml Text.XmlHtml.Cursor

    A zipper for XML document forests.

  8. module Text.XML.Expat.Cursor

    This module ported from Text.XML.Light.Cursor XML cursors for working XML content withing the context of an XML document. This implementation is based on the general tree zipper written by Krasimir Angelov and Iavor S. Diatchki. With the exception of modifyContentM, then M-suffixed functions are for use with monadic node types, as used when dealing with chunked I/O with the hexpat-iteratee package. In the more common pure case, you wouldn't need these *M functions.

  9. type Cursor tag text = CursorG NodeG [] tag text

    hexpat Text.XML.Expat.Cursor

    A cursor specific to Text.XML.Expat.Tree.Node trees.

  10. data CursorG n c tag text

    hexpat Text.XML.Expat.Cursor

    Generalized cursor: The position of a piece of content in an XML document. n is the Node type and c is the list type, which would usually be [], except when you're using chunked I/O.

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