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Within LTS Haskell 22.33 (ghc-9.6.6)

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  1. module Control.Monad.Trans.State

    State monads, passing an updatable state through a computation. Some computations may not require the full power of state transformers:

    This version is lazy; for a strict version, see Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict, which has the same interface.

  2. type State s = StateT s Identity

    transformers Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy

    A state monad parameterized by the type s of the state to carry. The return function leaves the state unchanged, while >>= uses the final state of the first computation as the initial state of the second.

  3. type State s = StateT s Identity

    transformers Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict

    A state monad parameterized by the type s of the state to carry. The return function leaves the state unchanged, while >>= uses the final state of the first computation as the initial state of the second.

  4. module Control.Monad.State

    State monads. This module is inspired by the paper Functional Programming with Overloading and Higher-Order Polymorphism, Mark P Jones (http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~mpj/) Advanced School of Functional Programming, 1995.

  5. type State s = StateT s Identity

    mtl Control.Monad.State.Lazy

    A state monad parameterized by the type s of the state to carry. The return function leaves the state unchanged, while >>= uses the final state of the first computation as the initial state of the second.

  6. type State s = StateT s Identity

    mtl Control.Monad.State.Strict

    A state monad parameterized by the type s of the state to carry. The return function leaves the state unchanged, while >>= uses the final state of the first computation as the initial state of the second.

  7. module Control.Monad.State

    No documentation available.

  8. module Control.Monad.Trans.State

    No documentation available.

  9. module Control.Monad.Representable.State

    A generalized State monad, parameterized by a Representable functor. The representation of that functor serves as the state.

  10. type State g = StateT g Identity

    adjunctions Control.Monad.Representable.State

    A memoized state monad parameterized by a representable functor g, where the representatation of g, Rep g is the state to carry. The return function leaves the state unchanged, while >>= uses the final state of the first computation as the initial state of the second.

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