BSD-3-Clause licensed by Deepak Jois
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:blaze-svg-0.3.5@sha256:6f3671270da43d0c5c9fc3531e3aa09a95387a21650906b073eb1b0e9c902da4,1648
Depends on 3 packages(full list with versions):
Used by 1 package in lts-3.22(full list with versions):

A blazingly fast SVG combinator library for the Haskell programming language. The Text.Blaze.SVG module is a good starting point.

Other documentation:


0.3.5 (4 January 2016)

  • Added support for elliptical arcs (aa, ar) (24 February 2015)

  • Allow blaze-markup-0.7

0.3.4 (21 May 2014)

  • export rotateAround (3 February 2014)

  • Allow blaze-markup-0.6