
Webdriver actions to assist with testing a webpage which uses Angular.Js


Version on this page:0.1.9
LTS Haskell 11.22:0.1.11
Stackage Nightly 2018-03-12:0.1.11
Latest on Hackage:0.1.11

See all snapshots webdriver-angular appears in

MIT licensed and maintained by John Lenz
This version can be pinned in stack with:webdriver-angular-0.1.9@sha256:f33bad7d557264046153e2d10da5584a92d2e088678ff66f9b13f8573d828ced,2457

Module documentation for 0.1.9

For end to end testing of web applications from Haskell, the webdriver package is a great tool but does not provide specific commands to make testing a webpage using AngularJs easier. The protractor project provides Angular-specific webdriver commands but the test code must be written in javascript. This package fills the gap by reusing some of the protractor code to allow end to end tests of Angular applications to be written in Haskell.