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Within LTS Haskell 22.21 (ghc-9.6.5)

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  1. class Serializable a

    TCache Data.TCache.DefaultPersistence

    Serialize is an alternative to the IResource class for defining persistence in TCache. The deserialization must be as lazy as possible. serialization/deserialization are not performance critical in TCache Read, Show, instances are implicit instances of Serializable

    serialize  = pack . show
    deserialize= read . unpack
    Since write and read to disk of to/from the cache are not be very frequent The performance of serialization is not critical.

  2. class Serializable a

    TCache Data.TCache.Defs

    Serialize is an alternative to the IResource class for defining persistence in TCache. The deserialization must be as lazy as possible. serialization/deserialization are not performance critical in TCache Read, Show, instances are implicit instances of Serializable

    serialize  = pack . show
    deserialize= read . unpack
    Since write and read to disk of to/from the cache are not be very frequent The performance of serialization is not critical.

  3. type Serializable a = (Binary a, Typeable a)

    distributed-closure Control.Distributed.Closure

    Values that can be sent across the network.

  4. type Serializable a = (Binary a, Typeable a)

    distributed-closure Control.Distributed.Closure.Internal

    Values that can be sent across the network.

  5. Serializable :: IsolationLevel

    persistent-mtl Database.Persist.Sql.Shim

    No documentation available.

  6. Serializable :: IsolationLevel

    squeal-postgresql Squeal.PostgreSQL.Session.Transaction

    Dirty read is not possible. Nonrepeatable read is not possible. Phantom read is not possible. Serialization anomaly is not possible.

  7. Serializable :: IsolationLevel

    squeal-postgresql Squeal.PostgreSQL.Session.Transaction.Unsafe

    Dirty read is not possible. Nonrepeatable read is not possible. Phantom read is not possible. Serialization anomaly is not possible.

  8. module Data.DynamicState.Serializable

    This module is HashMap ConcreteTypeRep Dynamic with a twist. The Dynamic used can also be ByteString, to make repeated reserialization cheap. A user-provided State-like is used to store this.

  9. data SerializableException

    ghc-lib-parser GHCi.Message

    No documentation available.

  10. withTransactionSerializable :: Connection -> IO a -> IO a

    postgresql-simple Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Transaction

    Execute an action inside of a Serializable transaction. If a serialization failure occurs, roll back the transaction and try again. Be warned that this may execute the IO action multiple times. A Serializable transaction creates the illusion that your program has exclusive access to the database. This means that, even in a concurrent setting, you can perform queries in sequence without having to worry about what might happen between one statement and the next. Think of it as STM, but without retry.

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