BSD-3-Clause licensed by Dennis Gosnell, James M.C. Haver II
This version can be pinned in stack with:yahoo-finance-api-,2627

Module documentation for


Build Status Hackage Stackage LTS Stackage Nightly

UPDATE: It appears that Yahoo disabled the quote API this package is using. This package is no longer usable. See this issue.

This Haskell module exports functions for reading stock quotes from the Yahoo Finance APIs.


Currently, only the Yahoo Finance YQL API is implemented. It can be accessed with methods in Web.Yahoo.Finance.YQL.

(Note: The following usage example only works when using servant-0.9.)

λ> :set -XOverloadedStrings
λ> import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (getGlobalManager)
λ> import Servant.Client (ClientEnv(ClientEnv), runClientM)
λ> import Web.Yahoo.Finance.YQL (StockSymbol(StockSymbol), YQLQuery(YQLQuery), getQuotes, yahooFinanceJsonBaseUrl)
λ> manager <- getGlobalManager
λ> res <- runClientM (getQuotes (YQLQuery [StockSymbol "GOOG", StockSymbol "AA"]) ) (ClientEnv manager yahooFinanceJsonBaseUrl)
λ> print res

This produces output like the following:

  ( YQLResponse
    { responseCount = 2
    , responseCreated = 2016-10-09 13:44:49 UTC
    , responseLang = "en-US"
    , responseQuotes =
      [ Just
        ( Quote
          { quoteAverageDailyVolume = "1296480"
          , quoteChange = "-1.78"
          , quoteDaysLow = "770.75"
          , quoteDaysHigh = "779.66"
          , quoteYearLow = "639.01"
          , quoteYearHigh = "789.87"
          , quoteMarketCapitalization = "532.69B"
          , quoteLastTradePriceOnly = "775.08"
          , quoteDaysRange = "770.75 - 779.66"
          , quoteName = "Alphabet Inc."
          , quoteSymbol = "GOOG"
          , quoteVolume = "933158"
          , quoteStockExchange = "NMS"
      , Just
          { quoteAverageDailyVolume = "5999180"
          , quoteChange = "-0.41"
          , quoteDaysLow = "31.03"
          , quoteDaysHigh = "32.10"
          , quoteYearLow = "18.42"
          , quoteYearHigh = "34.50"
          , quoteMarketCapitalization = "41.26B"
          , quoteLastTradePriceOnly = "31.37"
          , quoteDaysRange = "31.03 - 32.10"
          , quoteName = "Alcoa Inc. Common Stock"
          , quoteSymbol = "AA"
          , quoteVolume = "7858603"
          , quoteStockExchange = "NYQ"

For other examples refer to test/Web/Yahoo/FinanceSpec.hs.