
Runs commands on remote machines using ssh

Version on this page:0.0.9
LTS Haskell 11.22:0.0.10
Stackage Nightly 2018-03-12:0.0.9
Latest on Hackage:0.0.14

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MIT licensed by Hamish Mackenzie
Maintained by Hamish Mackenzie
This version can be pinned in stack with:vado-0.0.9@sha256:69618f54dc44904725f79b214f1bd0d35c37dff83a4d1cdc11dddedf777e4b80,2061

Module documentation for 0.0.9

Lets you quickly run ssh on a machine that you have an sshfs connection to. It works out the username, host and the directory on the host based on the current directory and the output of mount.