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Within LTS Haskell 22.18 (ghc-9.6.4)

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  1. derive :: ByteArrayAccess nonce => State -> nonce -> State

    cryptonite Crypto.Cipher.XSalsa

    Use an already initialized context and new nonce material to derive another XSalsa context. This allows a multi-level cascade where a first key k1 and nonce n1 is used to get HState(k1,n1), and this value is then used as key k2 to build XSalsa(k2,n2). Function initialize is to be called with the first 192 bits of n1|n2, and the call to derive should add the remaining 128 bits. The output context always uses the same number of rounds as the input context.

  2. derive :: ByteArrayAccess nonce => State -> nonce -> State

    crypton Crypto.Cipher.XSalsa

    Use an already initialized context and new nonce material to derive another XSalsa context. This allows a multi-level cascade where a first key k1 and nonce n1 is used to get HState(k1,n1), and this value is then used as key k2 to build XSalsa(k2,n2). Function initialize is to be called with the first 192 bits of n1|n2, and the call to derive should add the remaining 128 bits. The output context always uses the same number of rounds as the input context.

  3. derive :: DecsQ -> ExpQ

    th-utilities TH.Derive

    This is the primary function for users of TH.Derive. See the module documentation for usage info.

  4. derive :: [Name -> Q [Dec]] -> [Name] -> Q [Dec]

    compdata Data.Comp.Derive

    Helper function for generating a list of instances for a list of named signatures. For example, in order to derive instances Functor and ShowF for a signature Exp, use derive as follows (requires Template Haskell):

    $(derive [makeFunctor, makeShowF] [''Exp])

  5. derive :: [Name -> Q [Dec]] -> [Name] -> Q [Dec]

    compdata Data.Comp.Derive.Utils

    Helper function for generating a list of instances for a list of named signatures. For example, in order to derive instances Functor and ShowF for a signature Exp, use derive as follows (requires Template Haskell):

    $(derive [makeFunctor, makeShowF] [''Exp])

  6. derive :: [Name -> Q [Dec]] -> [Name] -> Q [Dec]

    compdata Data.Comp.Multi.Derive

    Helper function for generating a list of instances for a list of named signatures. For example, in order to derive instances Functor and ShowF for a signature Exp, use derive as follows (requires Template Haskell):

    $(derive [makeFunctor, makeShowF] [''Exp])

  7. module Test.LeanCheck.Derive

    This module is part of LeanCheck, a simple enumerative property-based testing library. Needs GHC and Template Haskell (tested on GHC 7.4, 7.6, 7.8, 7.10, 8.0, 8.2, 8.4, 8.6 and 8.8). If LeanCheck does not compile under later GHCs, this module is probably the culprit. If you rather do this through GHC Generics, please see: Test.LeanCheck.Generic (experimental).

  8. module Data.Express.Express.Derive

    Allows automatic derivation of Express typeclass instances.

  9. module Data.Express.Name.Derive

    Allows automatic derivation of Name typeclass instances.

  10. module Elm.Derive

    This module should be used to derive the Elm instance alongside the JSON ones. The prefered usage is to convert statements such as :

    $(deriveJSON defaultOptions{fieldLabelModifier = drop 4, constructorTagModifier = map toLower} ''D)
    $(deriveBoth defaultOptions{fieldLabelModifier = drop 4, constructorTagModifier = map toLower} ''D)
    Which will derive both the aeson and elm-bridge instances at the same time.

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