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Within LTS Haskell 22.18 (ghc-9.6.4)

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  1. package TCache

    A Transactional cache with user-defined persistence Please see the README on GitHub at https://github.com/agocorona/TCache#readme

  2. module Data.TCache

    TCache is a transactional cache with configurable persistence that permits STM transactions with objects that synchronize synchronously or asynchronously with their user defined storages. Persistence in files is provided by default. TCache implements DBRefs . They are persistent STM references with a typical Haskell interface. similar to TVars (newDBRef, readDBRef, writeDBRef etc) but with added persistence. DBRefs are serializable, so they can be stored and retrieved. Because they are references, they point to other serializable registers. This permits persistent mutable inter-object relations. For simple transactions of lists of objects of the same type TCache implements inversion of control primitives withSTMResources and variants, that call pure user-defined code for registers update. Examples below. Triggers in Data.TCache.Triggers are user-defined hooks that are called on register updates. They are used internally for indexing. Data.TCache.IndexQuery implements a straightforward pure Haskell, type-safe query language based on register field relations. This module must be imported separately. Data.TCache.IndexText add full text search and content search to the query language. Data.TCache.DefaultPersistence has instances for key indexation, serialization and default file persistence. The file persistence is more reliable, and the embedded IO reads inside STM transactions are safe. Data.Persistent.Collection implements a persistent, transactional collection with Queue interface as well as indexed access by key.

  3. module Database.Persist.SqlBackend.Internal.StatementCache

    No documentation available.

  4. data StatementCache

    persistent Database.Persist.SqlBackend.Internal.StatementCache

    A statement cache used to lookup statements that have already been prepared for a given query.

  5. StatementCache :: (StatementCacheKey -> IO (Maybe Statement)) -> (StatementCacheKey -> Statement -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO Int -> StatementCache

    persistent Database.Persist.SqlBackend.Internal.StatementCache

    No documentation available.

  6. newtype StatementCacheKey

    persistent Database.Persist.SqlBackend.Internal.StatementCache

    No documentation available.

  7. StatementCacheKey :: Text -> StatementCacheKey

    persistent Database.Persist.SqlBackend.Internal.StatementCache

    No documentation available.

  8. statementCacheClear :: StatementCache -> IO ()

    persistent Database.Persist.SqlBackend.Internal.StatementCache

    No documentation available.

  9. statementCacheInsert :: StatementCache -> StatementCacheKey -> Statement -> IO ()

    persistent Database.Persist.SqlBackend.Internal.StatementCache

    No documentation available.

  10. statementCacheLookup :: StatementCache -> StatementCacheKey -> IO (Maybe Statement)

    persistent Database.Persist.SqlBackend.Internal.StatementCache

    No documentation available.

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