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Within LTS Haskell 22.18 (ghc-9.6.4)

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  1. withDefault :: ArrowList a => a b c -> c -> a b c

    hxt Control.Arrow.ArrowList

    converts an arrow, that may fail, into an arrow that always succeeds example: withDefault none "abc" is equivalent to constA "abc"

  2. withDefault :: OpenMode mode => BlockMode -> (T mode -> IO a) -> IO a

    alsa-seq Sound.ALSA.Sequencer

    No documentation available.

  3. withDefault :: JiraPrinter a -> a

    jira-wiki-markup Text.Jira.Printer

    Run with default state.

  4. withDefault :: Validator e inp a -> a -> Validator e (Maybe inp) a

    valida Valida.Combinators

    Build a validator that runs given validator only if input is Just. Yields default value otherwise. Yields Success when input is Nothing, and wrapped around the default value.

    vald `withDefault` deflt = fromMaybe deflt <$> optionally vald


    >>> runValidator (failureIf even "Even" `withDefault` 0) (Just 5)
    Success 5
    >>> runValidator (failureIf even "Even" `withDefault` 0) (Just 6)
    Failure ("Even" :| [])
    >>> runValidator (failureIf even "Even" `withDefault` 0) Nothing
    Success 0

  5. module Agda.Utils.WithDefault

    Potentially uninitialised Booleans. The motivation for this small library is to distinguish between a boolean option with a default value and an option which has been set to what happens to be the default value. In one case the default can be overriden (e.g. --cubical implies --without-K) while in the other case the user has made a mistake which they need to fix.

  6. type WithDefault b = WithDefault' Bool b

    Agda Agda.Utils.WithDefault

    No documentation available.

  7. withDefaultBaseURI :: String -> SysConfig

    hxt Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlState

    withDefaultBaseURI URI , input option, set the default base URI This option can be useful when parsing documents from stdin or contained in a string, and interpreting relative URIs within the document

  8. withDefaultBaseURI :: String -> SysConfig

    hxt Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlState.SystemConfig

    withDefaultBaseURI URI , input option, set the default base URI This option can be useful when parsing documents from stdin or contained in a string, and interpreting relative URIs within the document

  9. withDefaults :: (RMap rs, RApply rs, ss ⊆ rs, RMap ss, RecApplicative rs) => Rec f rs -> Rec f ss -> Rec f rs

    vinyl Data.Vinyl.FromTuple

    Override a record with fields from a possibly narrower record. A typical use is to supply default values as the first argument, and overrides for those defaults as the second.

  10. withDefaultStyle :: BackendProgram a -> BackendProgram a

    Chart Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Drawing

    No documentation available.

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