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Within LTS Haskell 22.18 (ghc-9.6.4)

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  1. withPostgresqlPool :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadUnliftIO m) => ConnectionString -> Int -> (Pool SqlBackend -> m a) -> m a

    persistent-postgresql Database.Persist.Postgresql

    Create a PostgreSQL connection pool and run the given action. The pool is properly released after the action finishes using it. Note that you should not use the given ConnectionPool outside the action since it may already have been released. The provided action should use runSqlConn and *not* runReaderT because the former brackets the database action with transaction begin/commit.

  2. withPostgresqlPoolModified :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => (Connection -> IO ()) -> ConnectionString -> Int -> (Pool SqlBackend -> m t) -> m t

    persistent-postgresql Database.Persist.Postgresql

    Same as withPostgresqlPool, but with the createPostgresqlPoolModified feature.

  3. withPostgresqlPoolModifiedWithVersion :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => (Connection -> IO (Maybe Double)) -> (Connection -> IO ()) -> ConnectionString -> Int -> (Pool SqlBackend -> m t) -> m t

    persistent-postgresql Database.Persist.Postgresql

    Same as withPostgresqlPool, but with the createPostgresqlPoolModifiedWithVersion feature.

  4. withPostgresqlPoolWithConf :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => PostgresConf -> PostgresConfHooks -> (Pool SqlBackend -> m a) -> m a

    persistent-postgresql Database.Persist.Postgresql

    Same as withPostgresqlPool, but can be configured with PostgresConf and PostgresConfHooks.

  5. withPostgresqlPoolWithVersion :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) => (Connection -> IO (Maybe Double)) -> ConnectionString -> Int -> (Pool SqlBackend -> m a) -> m a

    persistent-postgresql Database.Persist.Postgresql

    Same as withPostgresPool, but takes a callback for obtaining the server version (to work around an Amazon Redshift bug).

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