BSD-3-Clause licensed by Neil Sculthorpe and Andy Gill
Maintained by Neil Sculthorpe
This version can be pinned in stack with:kure-2.4.10@sha256:76d9d89311506578769a626c3c1d15bdb22bc957407d893fd2148ddafc6568c7,1740
Depends on 1 package(full list with versions):

The Kansas University Rewrite Engine (KURE) is a DSL for strategic rewriting. KURE shares concepts with Stratego, but unlike Stratego, KURE is strongly typed. KURE is similar to StrategyLib, but has a lightweight generic traversal mechanism using type families rather than SYB. The basic transformation functionality can be found in Language.KURE.Translate, and the traversal functionality can be found in Language.KURE.Walker. Several basic examples of using KURE are provided in the source-code bundle. For a larger example, see the HERMIT package.