
Input handling abstractions for netwire

Version on this page:0.0.6
LTS Haskell 22.34:0.0.7
Stackage Nightly 2024-09-20:0.0.7
Latest on Hackage:0.0.7

See all snapshots netwire-input appears in

MIT licensed by Pavel Krajcevski
Maintained by [email protected]
This version can be pinned in stack with:netwire-input-0.0.6@sha256:758aff0cb74ad40e5c20a11018652d4e9399bf512998d3e15aa962db5d620ae1,1616

Module documentation for 0.0.6

Depends on 2 packages(full list with versions):
Used by 1 package in nightly-2017-04-02(full list with versions):

netwire-input Build Status

A library of wires that provide keyboard, mouse, and joystick input.