A relatively primitive (but working) Haskell library to read and write
BBDB (Insidious Big Brother Database) files. One major goal was to be
able to have the following be the identity function:
d <- readBBDB "/path/to/.bbdb"
-- d is now a Haskell data type
writeFile (asLisp d) "path/to/copy-of-.bbdb"
Because of this goal, the interface is based on lists, and tends to be
a lot of work to get to the actual data you are looking for. Sorry
about that.
Changes for Database/BBDB
from 0.7 -> 0.8
Changed back from Foundation to Prelude to prevent breakage.
from 0.6 -> 0.7
Changed over to Foundation rather than Prelude.
from 0.5 -> 0.6
The new BBDB version (BBDB3) uses file format 9 now. Three fields
were added: a hash field, a creation date field, and a modification
time field. Theses used to be present in the notes field.
from 0.4 -> 0.5
The BBDB file format changed. The current version of the format
is 7. Once field, called Affixes was added, and now the extension
in a US phone field is required.