
Template Haskell to generate lenses for lens-family and lens-family-core.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, Rank2Types #-}
import Lens.Family2
import Lens.Family2.TH
data Foo a = Foo { _bar :: Int, _baz :: a }
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
$(makeLenses ''Foo)
This will create lenses bar
and baz
You can instead create these lenses by hand
as explained by documentation at Lens.Family.Unchecked.
merely generates the following definition
for each field, making use of Haskell’s record update syntax:
lensName f a = (\x -> a { fieldName = x }) `fmap` f (fieldName a)
will refuse to create lenses for data declarations
with more than 1 constructor.
For data types with multiple constructors,
you can use makeTraversals
. For example:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, Rank2Types #-}
import Lens.Family2
import Lens.Family2.TH
data T a c d = A a | B | CD c d Int
$(makeTraversals ''T)
Will create traversals _A
, _B
, and _C
in this fashion:
_A k (A a) = fmap (\a -> A a) (k a)
_A _ B = pure B
_A _ (C c d i) = pure (C c d i)
_B _ (A a) = pure (A a)
_B k B = fmap (\() -> B) (k ())
_B _ (C c d i) = pure (C c d i)
_C _ (A a) = pure (A a)
_C _ B = pure B
_C k (C c d i) = fmap (\(c',d',i') -> C c' d' i') (k (c,d,i))