
Web graphic applications with processing.js.

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BSD-3-Clause licensed by Daniel Díaz
Maintained by Daniel Díaz (dhelta.diaz `at`

Processing is a visual design programming language. Processing.js is the sister project of Processing designed for the web. The Haskell processing package is a web animation library with Processing.js as backend.

What is this for?

With this library you are able to write scripts that, once executed in a browser, will execute interactive visual programs.

Where can I see a running example?

Running examples are provided in the examples directory. These are some of the outputs:

The code of the latter is included in the source distribution.

How do I learn to use it?

The API reference of the library includes guidance and is complemented with code examples. Look also to the examples directory included in the source distribution. It contains some fully working examples. Also online at:

The library provides different APIs (interfaces). Each one with a different philosophy.

  • Simple (Graphics.Web.Processing.Simple): An abstract interface, focusing in what you want to be displayed, but not how. The library will know how to write the processing code you need. However, you may lack some features that you can find in other interfaces.

  • Mid (Graphics.Web.Processing.Mid): More imperative feeling, with variables and commands. But also convenient and complete. This is the default interface, re-exported by Graphics.Web.Processing.

  • Basic (Graphics.Web.Processing.Basic): For people that like to do things by hand. The output processing code is predictable and you have great control over it.

The module Graphics.Web.Processing.Html helps you to create the HTML document where you will display the animation.