
In favour of


Command-line spelling word suggestion tool

Latest on Hackage:0.3.1

This package is not currently in any snapshots. If you're interested in using it, we recommend adding it to Stackage Nightly. Doing so will make builds more reliable, and allow to host generated Haddocks.

BSD-3-Clause licensed by Bart Massey
Maintained by [email protected]

"thimk" (an old joke) is a command-line spelling word suggestion tool. You give it a possibly-misspelled word, and it spits out one or more properly-spelled words in order of likelihood of similarity.

The latest change to the implementation is an addition of an optional precompiled SQlite database of phonetic codes for the entire dictionary, created with "thimk-makedb". This greatly speeds lookup, permitting reasonable performance on enormous dictionaries.