
Library for programming hybrid systems.


Version on this page:0.9.6@rev:1
LTS Haskell 22.30:0.14.9
Stackage Nightly 2024-07-26:0.14.9
Latest on Hackage:0.14.9

See all snapshots Yampa appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed by Henrik Nilsson, Antony Courtney
Maintained by Ivan Perez ([email protected])
This version can be pinned in stack with:Yampa-0.9.6@sha256:acf73dc58b9dbdb285957308a5453c3b507873f517753340c1df83a9c2625b8e,2360

Module documentation for 0.9.6

  • FRP
    • FRP.Yampa
      • FRP.Yampa.AffineSpace
      • FRP.Yampa.Event
      • FRP.Yampa.Forceable
      • FRP.Yampa.Geometry
      • FRP.Yampa.Internals
      • FRP.Yampa.MergeableRecord
      • FRP.Yampa.Miscellany
      • FRP.Yampa.Point2
      • FRP.Yampa.Point3
      • FRP.Yampa.Task
      • FRP.Yampa.Utilities
      • FRP.Yampa.Vector2
      • FRP.Yampa.Vector3
      • FRP.Yampa.VectorSpace
Depends on 2 packages(full list with versions):
Used by 1 package in lts-0.7(full list with versions):

Domain-specific language embedded in Haskell for programming hybrid (mixed discrete-time and continuous-time) systems. Yampa is based on the concepts of Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) and is structured using arrow combinators.