
Use Template Haskell to embed file contents directly.

Version on this page:0.0.7
LTS Haskell 22.30:
Stackage Nightly 2024-07-26:
Latest on Hackage:

See all snapshots file-embed appears in

BSD-3-Clause licensed and maintained by Michael Snoyman
This version can be pinned in stack with:file-embed-0.0.7@sha256:4592469797b180279827b779f24a142e5c841dffe02aaf1bf357177f7420bc39,1279

Module documentation for 0.0.7

  • Data
    • Data.FileEmbed

Use Template Haskell to read a file or all the files in a directory, and turn them into (path, text) pairs embedded in your haskell code.