Increased upper bound of base and support GHC 8.4.
Other Changes
Increased upper bound of exceptions.
Other Changes
Increased upper bound of exceptions.
Other Changes
Increased upper of async.
Other Changes
Increased upper bound of free and time.
Other Changes
Increased upper bound of base to allow < 4.11.
Major Changes
withFDHandler now explicitly flushes the file handle whenever log entries
are rendered out. Thanks to @filterfish for identifying this omission that
could lead to log messages being dropped.
Upgrade steps: no changes other than updating logging-effect.
Other Changes
Increased upper bound of time to allow < 1.9.
Other changes
Increased upper bound of time
withBatchedHandler no longer prints empty log messages. Previously,
if you ran a program that didn’t log but used withBatchedHandler (or anything
that used that), an empty log message would be output. Thanks to @codedmart
for fixing this.
Breaking changes:
MonadLog no longer has logMessage as a function. It now has
logMessageFree which takes a free monoid of log messages. If you were just
using logging-effect then this won’t affect you, as logMessage still exists
with the same signature outside the type class.
MonadLog now comes with a law that states that logging is a monoid
homomorphism. This essentially means that you have to treat all log messages
Pass-through instances for all “stock” monad transformers have been added
(all of transformers, CatchT from exceptions and FreeT/FT from free).
WithSeverity now has instances of Traversable and Foldable
WithTimestamp now has instances of Eq, Ord, Read and Show.
A set of convenience functions have been added for quickly logging with
severity. The combinators are: logDebug, logInfo, logNotice,
logWarning, logError, logCritical, logAlert and logEmergency.
mapLogMessage got a companion function mapLogMessageM that works with
monadic tranformations.