logging-effect-extra is a “batteries-included” package. Each of the packages above can be used independently or in any combination without depending on logging-effect-extra. For example, if Template Haskell is not acceptable for a project, users can depend on the other logging-effect-extra-* packages excluding logging-effect-extra-file.
This package has no clashing identifiers with logging-effect and it re-exports the entirety of logging-effect, so users have full access to everything in logging-effect and logging-effect-extra via the following single import:
import Control.Monad.Log.Extra
Change log
Bumped min version of logging-effect-extra-handler to 1.1.2 (to include its relaxed upper bound on time)
Bumped min version of logging-effect-extra-handler to 1.1.1 (to include zero-padded, fixed width update to iso8601PlusHandler)
Bumped min version of logging-effect-extra-handler to 1.1.0 (this deprecates dispatchHandler)
Updated log-extra example program to use routeHandler instead of dispatchHandler
Update README to mention logging-effect-extra-handler
Add logging-effect-extra-handler dependency
Bump min version of logging-effect-extra-file to 1.1.0
Update log-extra example to use logInfoTH instead of deprecated logInformationalTH splice